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Home Our Doctors Dr. Kartik Desai

Dr. Kartik Desai

Consultant Gastroenterologist

Educational Qualifications

DNB Gastroenterology

MD Internal Medicine



10+ years of experience

Areas of Expertise

Current : Consultant Gastroenterologist Disease at KD Hospital.

Technical Skills

1. Endoscopy

Diagnostic upper GI Endoscopy

Endoscopic Variceal Ligation, Endoscopic Sclerotherapy, Glue injection for fundal varices, Management of ulcer bleed with injection therapy, Hemoclip, Heater Probe Coagulation, Argon plasma coagulation.

Achalasiacardia dilation

Dilatation of Benign and Malignant esophageal strictures.

Nasojejunal tube placement.

Percutaneous endoscopic Gastrostomy (PEG) placement.

Sideviewscopy to assess ampulla.

ERCP therapeutic

Diagnostic colonoscopy

Colonoscopic polypectomy

Management of colonic bleed with injection therapy, heater probe, argon plasma coagulation and hemoclip placement. Endoscopic decompression of Sigmoid Volvulus and pseudo-obstruction.

Metal Stents placement in Oesophagus, Pylorus, Colon, Biliary tree

2. Ultrasound

Ultrasound procedures like ascitic fluid study, liver biopsy, fine needle aspiration of liver, drainage of collections and liver abscess.

Presentations & Seminars

Participated in the annual conference of Indian Society of Gastroenterology, Kerala chapter in 2016.

Participated in the annual national conference of Indian Society of Gastroenterology in 2015.

Participated in the national conference of INASL in 2014.

Poster presentation on Solitary Ileal Ulcers and Crohn's Disease in National Conference of IBD at Cochin in 2014.

Poster presentation on Randomized control trial in Functional Bowel Disorders treatment with Antidepressant and Anxiolytics done at annual conference of Indian Society of Gastroenterology in 2015.

Participated in National conference on POEM at Ahmedabad in 2017.

Participated in National conference of Gastroenterology, Cochin 2018.